The Seven Party Alliance, The Maoists
Come around to this: Proposed Republican Constitution 2006.
Then we will have the option to go for an interim government, and a referendum. Even a constituent assembly is about these top party leaders banging heads among themselves. Why not bang heads now?
40 Reasons Why The Three Forces Should Come Ar0und To My Proposed Constitution
The King
He vacates the Narayanhiti, because that belongs to the state. Other than that, he gets to keep the rest of his property, his private residences, his factories, his hotels, his tea gardens. He stays on in the country as a private citizen.
The President gets to live and work in the Narayanhiti.
The Army
The interim Prime Minister becomes the Commander In Chief. Other than that there are no changes made among the army top brass for the duration of the interim government.
Only a duly elected President makes the requisite changes.
General Amnesty
A Truth And Reconciliation Commission is set up, so that individuals and families that have suffered during the decade long civil war may get heard, such that their stories get told and archived.
Other than that the Maoists are granted general amnesty, as are the RNA.
The Maoists get to become an unarmed political party within a multi-party framework.
The RNA becomes the Nepal Army.
Madhav Nepal, Interim Prime Minister
It is a choice between him and Girija Koirala. Nepal is the obvious choice for many reasons. His party is the largest, it is much larger than the Nepali Congress. He and his party practice internal democracy much more than the Nepali Congress. They actually discuss things before they make decisions. He has been for the interim government idea: Girija has not. Madhav Nepal realizes the pitfalls of reviving the 1999 House, Girija does not. The UML has offered a greater clarity. The UML rallies have been the lifeblood of the movement recently. Koirala's health is failing.
Koirala is also disqualified. Madhav Nepal's job will be much tougher than that of Krishna Prasad Bhattarai's was in 1990. Nepal has to make peace with the Maoists, unify the two armies, and tame the army. On top of that, he has to bring forth a new constitution. Koirala does not have the political skills to engage in democratic debates, build coalitions, and such. He is good at taking stands and sticking by them.
Tulsi Giri
He gets jailed or deported.
Tulsi Giri going jail, and chukkie pissing.
President Nepal
A guy with last name Nepal gets to become the first President of Nepal, looks like. He sures looks like he is on his way.
Phone Talk With Madhav Nepal, Hridayesh Tripathy
Maoist, Moriarty, Madhav, Manmohan: Get Behind The 3 Point Program
Madhav Nepal, Commander Of The Movement
Email From Madhav Kumar Nepal