The only full timer out of the 200,000 Nepalis in the US to work for Nepal's democracy and social justice movements in 2005-06.
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Monday, November 20, 2023
20: China
In Talks With Biden, Xi Seeks to Assure and Assert at the Same Time China’s depiction of Xi Jinping’s U.S. visit reflected his sometimes-contradictory priorities: to project both strength and a willingness to engage with Washington.
Monday, October 09, 2023
Thursday, September 21, 2023
नया जातीय व्यवस्था
Special session: Modi introduces women's bill in new India parliament The Indian government has introduced a bill guaranteeing a third of seats for women in the lower house of parliament and state assemblies........ The contentious bill, first proposed in 1996, has been pending for decades ........ Its revival is expected to boost the governing Bharatiya Janata Party's fortunes in general elections next May. .........
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Monday, September 11, 2023
Monday, September 04, 2023
हमेशा के लिए समाधान की जरूरत
हरे राम हरे राम
राम राम हरे हरे
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण
कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे बुद्ध हरे बुद्ध
बुद्ध बुद्ध हरे हरे
हरे कल्कि हरे कल्कि
कल्कि कल्कि हरे हरे
क्या हमारा समाज जो हिंदु, मुस्लिम, बड़ी जातियों और छोटी जातियों में बंटा हुआ है इसे हमेशा के लिए समाधान की जरूरत नहीं?
ईसाई खुलकर हिंदु धर्म का विरोध करने लगे, मुलवासी मंगोल खुलेआम धर्म का विरोध करने लगे, कौन गारंटी दे सकता है कि कलको मुसलमान यह नहीं कहेगा कि मैं जानकी मंदिर के पिछे गाय मार कर खाऊंगा? हम हर तरफ से हिंदु विरोधी लोगों से घिरे हुए हैं। हमारे देश के नेताओं में एकता नहीं है, सभी नेता पैसों के लिए हिंदु विरोधी हैं और देश को कभी भी हिंदु राष्ट्र न बनने देने के लिए लगे हुए हैं। धर्मनिरपेक्ष। कब तक हम इसी तरह हिंदु जातियों में बंटे रहेंगे? आज तक जितने भी लोग मुसलमान बने हैं, जब वे हिन्दु थे तो उन्हें निचली जातियों में रखा गया था। समाज की जाति व्यवस्था से क्षुब्ध होकर उन्होंने धर्म परिवर्तन कर लिया। आज नेपाल में चाहे कितने भी ईसाई बन गए हों, वे सभी हिंदु समाज की जाति व्यवस्था के कारण हिंदु धर्म छोड़कर ईसाई बन रहे हैं। हमारे धर्मकी जाति व्यवस्था जो मछली, मांस, शराब और सिगरेट खाता है उसे ब्राह्मण बना देता है और जो मछली, मांस, शराब नहीं खाता उसे कहता है कि तुम दलित और शूद्र हो क्योंकि एकका जन्म ब्राह्मण कुल में हुआ है और दुसरेका दलित कुलमें हुआ है। जन्म पर आधारित यह जाति व्यवस्था समाजको तोड़ रही है। हम इस 4000 साल पुरानी जाति व्यवस्थाको कब तक बरकरार रखेंगे? यदि समाजमें जन्मके आधार पर नहीं बल्कि कर्मके आधार पर जाति व्यवस्था लागु कर दिया जाए तो नेपाल में जल्द ही हिंदु धर्म पुनः स्थापित हो जाएगा और नेपाल एक वैदिक हिंदु राष्ट्र बन जाएगा और जो लोग नाराज होकर वहां से चले गए वे सभी हिंदु धर्म में वापस आ जाएंगे। अब बदलाव लाना ही होगा, नहीं तो जल्द ही हम नेपाल में गोमांस खाने वाले रावणों से चारों ओर से घिर जायेंगे। मछली, मांस, शराब, सिगरेट, गुटखा खानेवाले सभी परिवारोंको ब्राह्मण जाति से बाहर करना है और जो परिवार नहीं खाते हैं उन्हें ब्राह्मण जाति में रखना है। जब तक हम अपने घर की गंदगी साफ नहीं करेंगे, बाहर के सभी लोग हमारी ओर देखेंगे, जो लोग उन्हें पसंद नहीं करेंगे वे घर छोड़ देंगे और बाहर से हमला भी करेंगे। जिस दिन हमारा घर साफ-सुथरा होगा, हर कोई हमारा सम्मान करेगा और हमारे साथ इसी घर में रहनेको अनुरोध करेगा।
उन लोगों के लिए जो नेपाल में गोमांस खाना चाहते हैं: आपको जो चाहें खाने का पुरा अधिकार है। लेकिन गोमांस खाने की आपकी इच्छा हमें चुनौती देने के लिए आती है, न कि अपनी स्वतंत्रता का प्रयोग करने के लिए। आप जो चाहें अपने कमरे में खाएं, न कि सार्वजनिक रूप से और न ही सोशल मीडिया पर। धार्मिक भावनाओंको ठेस पहुंचाना और सामाजिक खानपानके व्यवहार को चुनौती देना दो अलग-अलग चीजें हैं। गाय हमारे लिए पवित्र है। आपने जो किया है वह निंदनीय है। यह उचित होता अगर आप कुत्तों और गधों के मांस से शुरुआत करते, जो हम नहीं खाते। तुरंत गाय से शुरुआत करना हमारी धार्मिक भावनाओं पर सीधा हमला है, न कि आपकी खाने की आज़ादी का प्रयोग। इसका मतलब यह है कि अब हमें आपकी ईशनिंदा गतिविधियों पर उचित प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिए आपकी धार्मिक भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंचाने का अधिकार है। यदि आपने कुत्तों और गधों का मांस खाया होता, तो हम आपके धर्म को आंकने का प्रयास नहीं करते। अगर कानुन आपको सजा नहीं देगा तो यह हम हिंदुओं की भावनाओं के साथ खिलवाड़ होगा। या तो कुत्तों और गधों को खाना शुरू करें या गोमांस खाने से पहले हिंदुओं द्वारा गाय की पुजा करने की प्रथा को बदलने के लिए एक आंदोलन शुरू करें। अन्यथा हम बहुसंख्यक होने के नाते अपने अधिकारों की रक्षा के लिए नेपाल में एक हिंदु संविधान चाहते हैं।
प्रश्न: क्या आप मांस खाने वाले पुजारी को पुजा करने की अनुमति देते हैं?
त्रेता युग में भारत के एकमात्र ब्राह्मण रावण का परिवार मांस खाता था, शराब पीता था और तम्बाकु सेवन करता था। लेकिन आजके घोर कलियुग में ९९% ब्राह्मण परिवार मांस खाते हैं, शराब पीते हैं और तम्बाकुका सेवन करते हैं। त्रेता युगमें १००% ब्राह्मण वेदोंकी पद्धति का पालन करनेवाले थे, लेकिन अब घोर कलियुगमें एक भी ब्राह्मण वेदोंकी पद्धति का पालन करने वाला नहीं है।
एक धार्मिक परंपरा है कि यदि ब्राह्मण वेदों के नियमों में विश्वास करते हैं तो वे मछली, मांस, शराब, सिगरेट आदि का सेवन नहीं कर सकते। आज हमारे हिन्दु धर्म के पतनका सबसे बड़ा कारण यह नकली ब्राह्मण है जो मछली और मांस खाता है। आज के समाज में बहुत से लोग ब्राह्मण जाति को हिंदु धर्मका चेहरा मानकर ब्राह्मणोंके बजाय संपुर्ण हिंदु धर्मका विरोध करने लगे हैं। हमारे समाज में हिंदु धर्मकी पुनर्स्थापनाके लिए हमें वास्तविक ब्राह्मणों की आवश्यकता है जो वेदों की प्रणाली में वर्तमान से कहीं अधिक विश्वास रखते हों। जिसे समाज की अन्य सभी जातियां सर्वसम्मति से मान-सम्मान देंगी। इस नकली, वेदों को न मानने वाले ब्राह्मण के रहते हमारा देश नेपाल कभी भी हिन्दु राष्ट्र नहीं बन सकता। जिस दिन नेपाल का समाज और सरकार सभी ब्राह्मणों को ब्रह्मचर्य का पालन करायेगी, उस दिन न केवल हिन्दू राष्ट्र बल्कि हिन्दु जगत की भी नींव पड़ेगी। और नेपाल विश्व गुरु बनेगा।
अब समाज में दो तरह के लोग हैं. जिसके हृदय में ईश्वर है वह हिंदु धार्मिक वेदों का सम्मान करेगा। उनका स्वागत नमस्ते से करें। वेदोंका पालन करनेवाले लोग कलियुगके अंतमें धर्मके संस्थापकके रूपमें जाने जाते हैं। जिनके हृदय में शैतान है वे हिंदु धार्मिक वेदोंके नियमों का विरोध करेंगे। उनका अभिवादन नमशैतान कह के किया जाना चाहिए, नमस्ते कहके नहीं। जो लोग वेदोंका पालन नहीं करते उन्हें कलियुग के अंत में रावण की सेना के रूप में जाना जाएगा। अब वह दिन आ गया है जब समाज में वेदों को न मानने वाले रावणों को उजागर किया जायेगा।
अधिनायकवादी शासन में: उत्तर कोरिया के किम जोंग उन जनरल हैं और सेना के बाकी सभी लोग सैन्य वर्दी में हैं, लोगों का कोई मुल्य नहीं है। यदि हम भारत में सामाजिक संगठन की संरचना पर नजर डालें तो आरएसएस, बजरंग दल जैसे धार्मिक संगठनों में संगठन का प्रमुख सेनापति होता है, संगठन के अन्य सभी सदस्य सेना होते हैं और जनता धन का स्रोत होती है और वे होते हैं नंगे हाथों से लड़नेवाले सेना।
लोकतांत्रिक शासन प्रणाली में: सत्ययुग समाज पार्टी के लिए, लोग धर्म के रक्षक/धर्म के संस्थापक हैं, प्रधानमंत्री कल्कि सेनाके कमांडर हैं। राजनीतिक नेता, नेपाल पुलिस, नेपाली सेना सभी राम/कृष्ण/कल्कि सेना की उपाधि से जाने जाते हैं। यदि धर्म की स्थापना करने वाले लोग नहीं चाहते कि आप वोट डालें तो ये तीन प्रकार की कल्कि सेना देश और धर्म को बचाने के लिए कुछ नहीं कर सकती।
आप कल्कि सेना को आदेश दें कि आप कैसा देश चाहते हैं और वे आपके लिए उसी के अनुसार देश का निर्माण करेंगे। आप केवल एक दिन: मतदान के दौरान ऑर्डर दे सकते हैं। वोट के दौरान रावण सेना भी आपसे वोट मांगने/लेने आयेगी जो हमारे धर्म के खिलाफ हैं। चाहे आप नेपाल के नेता, पुलिस, सेना का नियंत्रण रावण सेनापति के हाथ में दें या कल्कि सेनापति के हाथ में, यह निर्णय आपको ही करना होगा। चाहे आपको रावण की व्यवस्था चाहिए या राम की व्यवस्था चाहिए, आपको उस चुनाव के बारे में केवल एक दिन सोचने का अधिकार है। तो वह अधिकार ५ वर्षके लिए निरस्त कर दिया जाता है।
मैं जनकपुरमें नामशैतान आंदोलनका नेतृत्व करनेके लिए जनकपुर के प्रत्येक वार्ड में कुछ धर्म संस्थापक स्वयंसेवकों की तलाश कर रहा हुँ। इस आंदोलनका उद्देश्य हिंदुओं की सुशुप्त भावनाको जागृत करना है और नेपाल सरकारसे वास्तविक ब्राह्मणों की मांग की जाएगी। आज ९९% से अधिक ब्राह्मण मांस खाते और शराब पिते हैं जो वेदोंके विपरीत है। हमें वेदोंका समर्थक ब्राह्मण चाहिए, वेदोंका विरोधी ब्राह्मण नहीं। यह आंदोलन समाजको दो गुटोंमें बांट देगा: एक जो कहता है कि ब्राह्मण परिवारके किसी भी व्यक्तिको मांस खाने और शराब पिनेकी अनुमति नहीं दि जानी चाहिए। वे लोग धर्म संस्थापक कल्कि सेना कहलायेंगे। दुसरे गुटको धर्म विरोधी रावण सेना कहा जाएगा, जो कहता है कि ब्राह्मणों और उनके परिवारके सदस्योंको रावण की तरह मांस खाने और शराब पिने, सिगरेट पिनेकी अनुमति दि जानी चाहिए, जैसा कि त्रेता युगमें रावण ने किया था।
जनकपुर से शुरू होकर यह आंदोलन पुरे देश में फैल जाएगा और फिर नेपालके आंदोलनके समर्थन से पुरे भारतमें फैलेगा। यह "नमशैतान महाअभियान" तैयार किया गया है, जो अन्ना हजारे के जन लोकपाल आंदोलन से हजारों गुना बड़ा होगा। नेपालका झंडा हर धर्मके संस्थापकके घरके सामने लगाया जाना चाहिए। जनकपुर में झंडेवाले या बिना झंडेवाले घर ज्यादा हैं? उसके आधार पर आप बता सकते हैं कि जनकपुर धर्म संस्थापकों की नगरी है या रावण की सेना की नगरी। जनकपुरके लोगों और बाँकी नेपाली लोगोंकी आत्मा पुरी तरह से जागृत होकर, राष्ट्र में धर्म या रावण की सेना के संस्थापक होने का निश्चय करने के बाद, यह निर्धारित करने के बाद कि धर्म संस्थापक अधिक है या रावण की सेना अधिक है, हम आंदोलन के अगले चरण में प्रवेश का निर्धारण करेंगे।
यदि धर्म संस्थापक बहुमत में हैं तो हम सरकार से कलियुग के अंत के लिए एक शोध दल बनाने की मांग करेंगे। यदि रावण की सेना बहुमत में है, तो हम मांग करेंगे कि वे फलों और मिठाइयों के बदले मंदिरों में मुर्गे की टांगें चढ़ाना शुरू करें। अंत में, धर्म के संस्थापक रावण की सेना के साथ युद्ध करने के लिए कल्कि की सेना का नेतृत्व करेंगे। लेकिन यह लड़ाई गोलियों से नहीं बल्कि मतपत्रों से लड़ी जाएगी।
आगामी चुनाव में यदि धर्म संस्थापक अपनी सरकार बनाते हैं तो नेपाल विश्व गुरु बनेगा। यदि रावण की सेना जित गई तो नेपालको घोर कलियुगमें धकेल दिया जाएगा। हमेशाके लिए।
प्राचीन जाति व्यवस्था पेशेके आधार पर बनी थी लेकिन अब इसे जन्मके आधार पर संशोधित कर दिया गया है। जाति प्रथाके कारण विवाह सबसे अधिक प्रभावित होते हैं। शाकाहारी माता-पिता अपने बच्चों की शादी मांस खानेवाले परिवारोंमें करना पसंद नहीं करते। भले ही वे मांसाहारी हों, कुछ लोग अपने समुदाय की भावनाओं और रीति-रिवाजों के अनुसार गाय, सुअर या अन्य जानवरों का मांस खाना पसंद नहीं करते हैं। इसके समाधान हेतु जाति व्यवस्थाकी एक सर्वथा नवीन प्रथा का यह रूप होगा।
1. ब्राह्मण: जिस परिवार में कोई मछली, मांस, तम्बाकु नहीं खाता तथा शराब नहीं पीता।
2. सोलकन: एक परिवार जो सुअर और गाय के अलावा अन्य मांस खाता है और शराब और निकोटीनका सेवन करता है। इस समुहको आगे विभाजित किया गया है:
समुह क: शराब और सिगरेट का सेवन करना लेकिन मछली और मांस नहीं खाना।
समुह ख: मछली, मांस खाता है लेकिन शराब नहीं पिता और तंबाकुका सेवन नहीं करता।
समुह ग: सभी मांस, शराब और तंबाकु खाएं।
3. दलित: वह परिवार जो सुअर या उसके समान मांस खाता है।
4. शुद्र: वह परिवार जो गाय या उसके समान जानवर खाता है।
इस जाति व्यवस्थाकी निगरानी एक आईडी प्रणालीसे कि जाएगी ताकि लोगोंको उनकी वास्तविक जातिके अलावा अन्य जातियों से भोजन चुराने से रोका जा सके। सभी मांस, शराब, सिगरेटको शहरके बाहर नेपाली विचारधाराके अमेज़ॅन सेंटर जैसे बड़े प्रवर्धन केन्द्रमें एकत्र किया जाएगा और केवल आईडी और अनुरोध के साथ घर-घर पहुंचाया जाएगा। जो व्यक्ति जीवन भर दुसरेके धार्मिक कार्योंके लिए मांस और मछलीका त्याग करता है, वह हमारे समाजके लिए सदैव सर्वश्रेष्ठ रहेगा। इसीलिए ब्राह्मण सदैव हिंदु धर्ममें सर्वोत्तम जाति रही है और रहेगी। हालाँकि, मछली, मांस, शराब और सिगरेटका सेवन करने वाले परिवारको हम कभी ब्राह्मण नहीं मान सकते। मछली और मांस खाने वाला ब्राह्मण को कोई मुर्ख ही सर्वोत्तम जातिका मान सकता है। एक बुद्धिमान हिंदु इसे कभी स्वीकार नहीं कर सकता। मछली-मांस, शराब, सिगरेटका सेवन करनेवाले परिवारको हम कभी ब्राह्मण नहीं मान सकते। मछली, मांस, शराब और सिगरेटका सेवन करने वाले परिवारोंको ब्राह्मण जाति से निकाल कर दलित वर्गमें रखा जाना चाहिए और वैष्णवोंको ब्राह्मण वर्णमें आनेका मौका दिया जाना चाहिए। नई जाति व्यवस्था काम पर आधारित होनी चाहिए, जन्म के आधार पर नहीं। दलितों और मुसलमानोंको भी ब्राह्मण बननेका मौका मिलना चाहिए।
इस व्यवस्थाके आनेके बाद ही सभीका हिंदु धर्मके प्रति सम्मान बढ़ेगा। जिस दिन धर्मकी पुनर्स्थापना होती है, उसके अगले दिनसे अधर्म और अधर्मीका विनाश प्रारम्भ हो जाता है। जब तक सभी हिंदु ब्राह्मणोंको श्रेष्ठ जाति के रूप में मान्यता नहीं देते, तब तक हिंदु धर्मकी बहाली नहीं हो सकती। भारत ने चार हजार साल पहले जाति व्यवस्था की प्रथा शुरू करके समाज को संघर्ष में धकेल दिया था। अब समय आ गया है कि नेपाल इस प्रथाको दुर करे और नई समयबद्ध व्यवस्था लागु कर विश्वगुरु बने।
नई जाति व्यवस्था के उदयके साथ, एक धनहीन समाज का निर्माण करते हुए, सत्ययुग समाज पार्टी ने 18 वर्ष से अधिक उम्र के प्रत्येक वयस्क को सरकारी नौकरी देने और देश में अन्य सभी प्रकार के काम, व्यवसाय या निवेश के अवसर देने का कानुन बनाएगी। पुरे देश में केवल एक ही नौकरी देनेवाला होगा: सरकार। साथ ही, चुँकि सभी उत्पादों की कीमत घंटों, मिनटों और सेकंडों में होगी, इसलिए भुगतान समय के युनिट में होगा, न कि रुपये में। मुकेश अंबानी, शाहरुख खान जैसे अमीर लोग, भिखारी जैसे गरीब लोग, किसान, गृहिणियां, पुजारी और कॉलेज के छात्र, कॉलेज में पढ़ाई के दौरान बुढ़े लोग सभी को सरकारी प्रणाली के तहत सरकारी नौकरियां मिलेंगी। म्लेच्छ और दहेज प्रथा को खत्म करने और कलियुग को समाप्त करने के लिए सरकार ठोस कदम उठाएगी। जिस प्रकार राम को रामसेना की आवश्यकता थी और कृष्ण को नारायणसेना की आवश्यकता थी, उसी प्रकार कलियुग को समाप्त करने के लिए कल्कि को कल्किसेना की आवश्यकता होगी। नई जाति व्यवस्था का दुसरा सबसे बड़ा फायदा यह है कि हर लड़की सरकारके साथ यह डेटा (रिकॉर्ड) निकालकर तय कर सकती है कि एक लड़का प्रतिदिन कितनी शराब, गुटखा, सिगरेट पिता है कि उसे उस लड़केसे शादी करनी है या नहीं। और फिर कल्किवादके सहयोग से दहेज प्रथा भी दुर हो जायेगी।
धर्म संस्थापक कोई सामाजिक या धार्मिक संगठन नहीं है। भविष्यमें कोई भी धर्म संस्थापक यह दिखावा नहीं कर सकेगा कि मैं इस या उस संगठन का सदस्य हुँ। धर्म संस्थापकके नाम पर कोई भी संस्था पंजीकृत नहीं होगी। धर्म संस्थापक एक प्रबुद्ध चिंतनशील आत्माका प्रतीक है। प्रत्येक परिवार धर्म संस्थापक तो हो सकता है, परन्तु धर्म संस्थापक संगठनका निर्माण नहीं कर सकता। हम हिंदु सेना, बजरंग दल, आरएसएस जैसे धर्म संस्थापक हिंदु संगठन नहीं बनाना चाहते। धर्म संस्थापककी सबसे बड़ी कानुनी संस्था सतयुग समाज पार्टी होगी। यह पार्टी कल्कि सेना के माध्यम से "धर्म संस्थापक" की हर मांग को पुरा करेगी।
यदि आप मानते हैं कि आपकी आत्मा जागृत हो गई है, यदि आप मानते हैं कि मंदिर में फल और मिठाइयाँ चढ़ाना मुर्गी के पैरों से बेहतर है, यदि आप चाहते हैं कि कलियुग अब समाप्त हो जाए, तो अपने घर के सामने एक नेपाली झंडा लगाएँ। जिस घरके सामने नेपाली झंडा नहीं होगा उसे रावण सेना का घर कहा जाएगा। उन दानदाताओं को खोजने का प्रयास किया जाएगा जो उन गरीबों के लिए नेपाली झंडे खरीदेंगे जिनके पास पैसे नहीं हैं और वे अपने घरों में नेपाली झंडे लगाना चाहते हैं।
नारदजी ने एक बार लक्ष्मी माता से पूछा, पृथ्वी पर ऐसे लोग हैं जो कहते हैं कि कलियुग की आयु पाँच हजार, पचास हजार, पाँच लाख और पचास लाख साल है। इस दुविधा से उबरने के लिए मनुष्य अपनी बुद्धि से कैसे जान सकता है कि कलियुग के अंत का समय आ गया है? और लक्ष्मीजी ने कहा कि जब सभी मंदिरों पर ताले लगे हैं और सभी शराब की दुकानों पर कतार लगी हुई है, तो भगवान हमें यह समझने का संकेत दे रहे हैं कि कलियुग के अंत का समय आ गया है।
मौजुदा कोरोना महामारीके दौरान यही हुआ है। सभी मंदिरों पर ताला लगा दिया गया और सभी शराब की दुकानों पर हफ्तों तक कतारें लगी रहीं। वह स्थिति भगवान द्वारा हम मानव जातिको यह संकेत देनेके लिए बनाई गई थी कि कलियुगके अंत का समय आ गया है। मटिहानीके जय साहने उसी लॉकडाउन के दौरान अमेरिका में बैठकर बिना पैसे और सोने के समाजका निर्माण करके कलियुगको कैसे समाप्त किया जाए, इस पर किताब लिखी। जिसकी पढ़ाई जल्द ही दुनिया के सभी विश्वविद्यालयों में होगी।
कुछ लोग कहते हैं कि परमाणु युद्धके बाद कल्कि घोड़े पर सवार होकर हमारे समाज में बचे हुए पापीयोंको मारनेके लिए आकाशसे आएंगे। एक बार कल्कि पापियोंका संहार करना शुरू कर दे तो उसे कोई नहीं रोक सकता।
यह सतयुग और त्रेतायुग नहीं है। यह कानुनका युग है। यह कलियुग है। कलियुगमें कल्किको भी समाजके नियम और अनुशासनका पालन करना होगा। और वर्तमान कानूनके अनुसार, केवल अदालतें और पुलिस ही मौतकी सज़ा दे सकती हैं। अगर कोई आदमी अचानक घोड़े पर चढ़कर लोगोंको तलवारसे काटनेकी कोशिश करता है तो मौजुदा कानुनके मुताबिक उसे एक ही दिन में जेल भेज दिया जाएगा। और दुसरी बात यह है कि इस कलियुगमें कल्कि कोई जादुई शक्ति लेकर नहीं आनेवाले है। वह बिल्कुल सामान्य इंसान के रूप में आएंगे।
आजके समाजमें यदि कोई कल्कि जैसा बनना चाहता है तो उसके लिए प्रावधान है। समाजके इस प्रावधानको सभी को पुरा करना होगा। वह १००% सामान्य व्यक्ति होगा जो कलियुगको समाप्त करनेके लिए सबसे पहले अपने विचार लाएगा। उन्हें एक घोषणापत्र पेश करना होगा। अनुयायियोंका एक बड़ा आधार बनाना होगा। लोकतांत्रिक तरिकेसे सत्ता हासिल करनी होगी। चुनावमें अन्य ताकतवर पार्टियोंको चुनौती देनी होगी। चुनाव जितना होगा और संविधानमें संशोधन करना होगा। फिर वैदिक नियम लागु करने होंगे। और तभी कानून और अनुशासन अंततः वेदोंके कानुनका उल्लंघन करनेवाले पापियोंको दंडित करेंगे।
एक शिक्षित व्यक्ति के रूप में, मुझे नहीं लगता कि कल्कि अवतार कानुन तोड़ेंगे, अलौकिक जादु दिखाएंगे और सड़क पर घोड़े पर चढ़कर कार में बैठने वाले पापी का सिर काट देंगे। कानुनके माध्यमसे पापियोंको नष्ट करनेका एकमात्र तरिका राजनीतिके माध्यमसे समाजकी व्यवस्थाको बदलना है। इसलिए कल्किको एक राजनीतिक नेताके तौर पर ही खोजा जा सकता है। कोई अन्य रास्ता खोजना असंभव है।
'अगर नेपाली जनता चाहेगी तो अगले चुनाव में धर्म संस्थापक कल्कि सेना और रावण सेना के बीच युद्ध होगा।' यदि जनकपुर के लोग नामशैतान अभियान शुरू करेंगे तो मैं आने वाले चुनाव में कल्कि सेना और रावण सेना के बीच युद्ध का नेतृत्व करूंगा। और आगामी चुनाव में रावण सेना के नेता शेर बहादुर देउबा, केपी शर्मा ओली, प्रचंड, रवि लामिछाने, चंद्रा राउत, उपेंद्र यादव, महंत ठाकुर होंगे.''
------ जय साह
यह अभियान कब शुरू होगा? जिस दिन जनकपुरके आधे से अधिक लोगोंके घरों पर कल्कि सेना के टैग के साथ नेपाल का झंडा होगा, उस दिन जय साहजी अमेरिका से आएंगे और इस महान अभियानकी शुरुआत करेंगे। तब तक नई जाति व्यवस्थाके सारे नियम उनकी लिखी किताबसे पढ़े जा सकते हैं। आप उनके बनाए वीडियो देखकर सारी व्यवस्थाएं जान सकते हैं। नेपाल एक विश्वगुरु
पुरे नेपाल के लिए जनकपुरधाम मार्गदर्शक
नामशैतान महाभियानके शुभारंभके तुरंत बाद, दुनियाकी सबसे शिक्षित, अनुभवी, उद्यमशील राजनीतिक पार्टी - सत्ययुग समाज पार्टी - का गठन किया जाएगा। जिसमें हर नगरपालिका मेयर बलेन शाह जैसे इंजिनियर और डिप्टी मेयर जैसे कॉरपोरेट जगत की जानकारी रखने वाले एमबीए डिग्रीधारी युवाओं को जगह देगी।
मेरे प्यारे जनकपुर के मुल निवासियों, पुरा नेपाल आपके साथ इस आंदोलनकी शुरुआत करेगा। पुरे नेपाल ही नहीं, भारतके कोने-कोनेसे यहां तक कि भारत के लाल किले से भी इस आंदोलन के समर्थन में नेपाल का झंडा फहराया जाएगा। आप आगे बढ़ें, कलियुगको समाप्त करनेके लिए आगे बढ़नेके लिए पुरी दुनिया हम जनकपुरवालोंको नमन करेगी। केवल जाति व्यवस्था बदलने से कलियुग का अंत नहीं होगा।
दुनिया भरके किसी शहरको कलियुग को समाप्त करने का प्रयास करने का एक शानदार अवसर मिलना चाहिए। कानुनका नियम तो यही है कि यह अभियान एक शहर से शुरू होकर पु रे विश्वमें फैलना चाहिए। यह सौभाग्य जानकीजीने जनकपुरधामको प्रदान किया है। कलियुगके समापनके लिए पवित्र और महान अभियान, नेपालके वैदिक राष्ट्रकी स्थापनाके लिए युगांत अभियान - "नमशैतान महाअभियान" जनकपुरधामसे शुरू होगा। जाति व्यवस्थामें परिवर्तन, दहेज प्रथाका अंत, गरीबीका अंत और अमीरोंका अंत नेपाल से शुरू होगा।
प्रिय ब्राह्मणों, मैंने अपने सर्कलमें आपके लिए लिखा है। नई जाति व्यवस्थाका मेरा प्रस्ताव किसी जातिके ख़िलाफ़ नहीं है। मैंने जातिको मृत पुराने अधिनायकवादी से नई, भविष्यवादी और लोकतांत्रिक ढाँचेमें बदलने का प्रस्ताव रखा है। नए प्रस्ताव में, ब्राह्मणों को सर्वोच्च पद दिया गया है, क्षत्रियों और वैश्यों को सभी पहचान खोनी पड़ी क्योंकि वे नई जाति व्यवस्था में सामुहिक रूप से मौजुद नहीं हैं। नई व्यवस्थामें दलित और शु द्र विद्यमान हैं। क्या केवल नामके लिए बड़ी जाति बनना बेहतर है या वास्तव में बड़ी जाति बनना?
अब ब्राह्मण नाम मात्रकी बड़ी जाति है जिसका देश के हर वार्ड, ग्रामपालिका और नगरपालिकामें अन्य जातियों के लोग अपमान करते हैं। यदि आपको यह कहना है कि आप बड़ी जातिके हैं तो आप केवल अपने चार रिश्तेदारोंके बीच ही अहंकार कर सकते हैं। समाजमें यदि आप और जातिके बीच खुलकर बात करते हैं तो आपको अपमानित भी होना पड़ता है और पिटाई भी खानी पड़ती है।
यदि समाजमें कोई नया ब्राह्मण सामने आये तो सब मिलकर उसका सम्मान करेंगे।
हमारे समाज में जिनके पास बहुत पैसा है उनके लिए एक शब्द है "अमीर" और जिनके पास बहुत कम पैसा है उनके लिए "गरीब" शब्द है। हमारे पास मध्यम वर्ग के लोगों के लिए एक शब्द की भी कमी है। अब हमें एक मिल गया - कलित्म। सतयुग समाज पार्टी सभी को कलित्म बनाती है। ऐसे लोगों का समाज जो भगवान कल्कि की आत्मा का हिस्सा हैं - कलित्म का समाज। न अमीरों का समाज, न गरीबों का समाज।
माता सीताकी जन्मस्थली
अब होगा सारा विश्व में महान
All My Blog Posts Lead To The Kalkiist Manifesto
Saturday, September 02, 2023
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3: India
आठ दलीय गठबन्धनमा यसरी हुँदैछ सत्ताको भागबण्डा
गठबन्धनसँग रेशमको माग : श्रीमतीलाई उपप्रधानमन्त्री, टिकापुरलाई जिल्ला घोषणा
Germany’s Scholz Visits Washington Amid Worries Over Ukraine ‘End Game’ Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrives Friday for a quiet working visit with President Biden, sparking speculation that they will discuss tough questions on how to end the war. .
War in Ukraine Has Changed Europe Forever No event has transformed the continent more profoundly since the end of the Cold War, and there is no going back now. ........ The 27-nation European Union was built over decades with the core idea of extending peace across the continent. The notion that economic exchanges, trade and interdependence were the best guarantees against war lay deep in the postwar European psyche, even in dealings with an increasingly hostile Moscow. .......... That Mr. Putin’s Russia had become aggressive, imperialist, revanchist and brutal — as well as impervious to European peace politics — was almost impossible to digest in Paris or Berlin, even after the annexation of Crimea in 2014. An increasingly militaristic Russia might swim, quack and look like a duck, but that did not mean it was one. ........ The war in Ukraine has transformed Europe more profoundly than any event since the Cold War’s end in 1989. A peace mentality, most acute in Germany, has given way to a dawning awareness that military power is needed in the pursuit of security and strategic objectives. A continent on autopilot, lulled into amnesia, has been galvanized into an immense effort to save liberty in Ukraine, a freedom widely seen as synonymous with its own. ........ The European Union has provided some $3.8 billion in military assistance to Ukraine. .......... Overall, European states, as part of the union or individually, have pledged more than $50 billion in various forms of aid to Kyiv, imposed 10 rounds of sanctions, absorbed more than eight million Ukrainian refugees (nearly the population of Austria), and largely weaned themselves off Russian oil and gas in a sweeping shift under acute inflationary pressure. .............. the Age of Reordering ......... “Even if the war ends soon, there will be no going back” ....... Finns saw their own Russia-plagued past in Ukraine’s suffering. They saw the impossibility of a workable relationship with the Putin regime. Old assumptions — that a strong defense ability, close cooperation with NATO and a mutually beneficial relationship with Russia could be combined — crumpled. ......... Support for NATO membership surged to over 70 percent. Finland was suddenly too small and too vulnerable to hold that long border. ......... “The Baltic Sea has become a NATO pond,” said Thomas Bagger, the German ambassador to Poland. “That is a big strategic shift.” ......... Ukraine was rapidly accorded formal candidate status to the European Union last year, but big problems, including endemic corruption and a weak judicial system, remain for a process that generally takes several years. ........... “A frozen conflict suits Putin,” said Mr. Delattre, the French ambassador to Germany. “A partially occupied, dysfunctional Ukraine cannot advance toward Europe. So of the three possible outcomes to the war — a Ukrainian victory, a Russian victory and a stalemate — two favor Putin.” .......... an increasingly repressive Russia under severe sanctions and a leader who is a pariah throughout the Western world, with no path to economic reconstruction, will also suffer from a prolonged conflict. But the limits to the Russian capacity to absorb pain are not easily discerned.......... Anti-German sentiment has swept Poland, which sees Berlin as too hesitant in its support of Ukraine, to the point that Germany’s supposed fickleness, at least in the eyes of the nationalist ruling party, is now a central theme of this year’s Polish parliamentary election. ............ Nowhere has the war in Ukraine been more challenging or transformative than in Germany. ........... a thoroughly post-heroic Germany, healing slowly from the Nazi horror, was unable to imagine the idea of a just war. ............ The most powerful country in Europe, Germany has had to reimagine itself overnight, abandoning a peace culture by arming itself and Ukraine in the name of a war for European freedom. It has had to eliminate its dependence on Russia for 55 percent of its gas. It has been forced to contemplate a partial decoupling from China, an enormous market for German cars, to reduce its strategic vulnerability. ............. “Europe took a holiday from defense for 30 years” .......... the Europe “whole and free” of which President George H.W. Bush spoke in 1989, with “borders open to people, commerce and ideas.” ........... “Life in Russia is boring, bad and difficult,” Mr. Rastegavi said. “You can start a war, but it’s not easy to finish.” .
The Excellence of Kamala Harris Is Hiding in Plain Sight Ms. Harris has met (mostly in person) with more than 100 world leaders to repair damage to our international relationships caused by Donald Trump. ........ Through public-private partnerships, she helped raise over $4.2 billion to address the root cause of migration from Central America. ......... Ms. Harris has pushed for federal legislation to secure voting rights, worked to expand access to the child tax and earned-income tax credits, is co-leader of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, was an integral part of the White House’s push to get Americans vaccinated against Covid, and is the chair of the National Space Council. ....... Presidents Trump, Dwight Eisenhower, Ulysses S. Grant, Herbert Hoover and Zachary Taylor never held elected office before becoming president. ....... for most of American history, white men were the only people considered for high-level jobs in what amounted to affirmative action for them. .
The Promise and Peril of Biden’s Climate Policy . After several years during which “It’s infrastructure week!” became a punchline, he passed a major infrastructure bill. .......... most important, Congress enacted the Inflation Reduction Act, which despite its name is mainly a climate bill; we’re finally taking serious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. .......... huge progress in renewable energy and related technologies, notably batteries, means that it now looks almost easy to achieve a low-emission economy. We can now easily envision a society in which people drive electric vehicles and cook on induction ranges, using power generated by solar panels and wind turbines, and experience no sense of sacrifice. ........... we may need a third, bureaucratic miracle to fix the electricity grid and make this whole thing work. .
“Poetry is the attempt to understand fully what is real, what is present, what is imaginable, what is feelable, and how can I loosen the grip of what I already know to find some new, changed relationship,” the poet Jane Hirshfield tells me. Through poetry, she says, “I know something new and I have been changed.” ........ Her book “Ledger” is one I gift to people most often. Hirshfield’s true talent as a poet is her singular ability to imbue the ordinary, the invisible, the forgotten with a sense of majesty and wonder. Her work is littered with lines that force you to stop, to slow down, to notice what you might have missed or overlooked. .
America Is In Over Its Head The war suddenly appeared as a face-off between a mass of disenchanted Russian incompetents and supercharged, savvy Ukrainian patriots........... As battles rage across Donetsk and Luhansk, Ukraine’s leaders and some of their Western backers are already dreaming of Nuremberg-style trials of Mr. Putin and his inner circle in Moscow. .......... Only the full, Desert Storm style of deployment of NATO and U.S. troops and weaponry could bring about a comprehensive Ukrainian victory in a short period of time. ......... Absent NATO involvement, the Ukrainian Army can hold the line and regain ground, as it has done in Kharkiv and Kherson, but complete victory is very nearly impossible. ......... What has been a meat grinder in one direction is likely to be a meat grinder in the other. ......... Russia has nearly switched its state onto a war economy setting, while the United States has yet to meet the war production needs of its foreign partners. The war has already used up 13 years’ worth of Stinger antiaircraft missile production and five years’ worth of Javelin missiles, while the United States has a $19 billion backlog of arms delivery to Taiwan. .......... The United States may even have an interest in keeping the fighting going as the war reduces Russia’s ability to operate elsewhere in the world, increases the value of American energy exports and serves as a convenient dress rehearsal for the rallying of allies and coordination of economic warfare against Beijing.......... Moscow now seems mostly focused on maintaining its positions in Luhansk and Donetsk and securing a land bridge to Crimea. These are territories that even in the best of circumstances would be difficult for Ukraine to reincorporate. ......... As it stands today, Ukraine’s economic future appears viable even without the territories currently occupied by Russia. Ukraine has not been turned into a landlocked country and it remains in control of seven of the eight oblasts with the highest G.D.P. per capita. ........... Ukrainians may be better off defining victory as accession to the European Union rather than a complete recapture of all Ukrainian territory. ........... membership in NATO, which since the 1990s has acted as a ratings agency in Europe, guaranteeing countries as safe for investment. ......... convincing Ukrainians that access to the common market and a European Marshall Fund is a reasonable exchange for “complete victory.” .
The Spectacular Fall of Lori Lightfoot . Lightfoot belongs to a group of recently elected Black mayors of major American cities, including Eric Adams in New York, Sylvester Turner in Houston and Karen Bass in Los Angeles. ........ Vallas had run a tough-on-crime, law-and-order campaign in which he told one crowd that his “whole campaign is about taking back our city, pure and simple.” Lightfoot called the remark “the ultimate dog whistle.” ....... “I’m always going to be viewed through a different lens, that the things I do and say, that the toughness that I exhibit, is viewed as divisive, that I’m the mean mayor, that I can’t collaborate with anyone.” .
Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S. Arriving in record numbers, they’re ending up in dangerous jobs that violate child labor laws — including in factories that make products for well-known brands like Cheetos and Fruit of the Loom. ....... 15-year-old Carolina Yoc, who came to the United States on her own last year to live with a relative she had never met. ......... Her stomach often hurt, and she was unsure if that was because of the lack of sleep, the stress from the incessant roar of the machines, or the worries she had for herself and her family in Guatemala. ......... Largely from Central America, the children are driven by economic desperation that was worsened by the pandemic. This labor force has been slowly growing for almost a decade, but it has exploded since 2021, while the systems meant to protect children have broken down. ......... jobs that were grinding them into exhaustion, and fears that they had become trapped in circumstances they never could have imagined .......... In town after town, children scrub dishes late at night. They run milking machines in Vermont and deliver meals in New York City. They harvest coffee and build lava rock walls around vacation homes in Hawaii. Girls as young as 13 wash hotel sheets in Virginia. .......... For the past three years, she said, almost every eighth grader in her English learner program of about 100 students was also carrying an adult workload. .......... In Los Angeles, children stitch “Made in America” tags into J. Crew shirts. They bake dinner rolls sold at Walmart and Target, process milk used in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and help debone chicken sold at Whole Foods. As recently as the fall, middle-schoolers made Fruit of the Loom socks in Alabama. In Michigan, children make auto parts used by Ford and General Motors. ....... Far from home, many of these children are under intense pressure to earn money. They send cash back to their families while often being in debt to their sponsors for smuggling fees, rent and living expenses. .......... H.H.S. regularly ignored obvious signs of labor exploitation ............ about two-thirds of all unaccompanied migrant children ended up working full time. .......... “It’s the new child labor. You’re taking children from another country and putting them in almost indentured servitude.” .......... just a sense that she could not stay in her village any longer. There was not much electricity or water, and after the pandemic began, not much food. ......... The only people who seemed to be getting by were the families living off remittances from relatives in the United States. ........... Child labor is the norm in rural Guatemala, and she herself had started working around the second grade. ......... The growth of migrant child labor in the United States over the past several years is a result of a chain of willful ignorance. Companies ignore the young faces in their back rooms and on their factory floors. Schools often decline to report apparent labor violations, believing it will hurt children more than help. And H.H.S. behaves as if the migrant children who melt unseen into the country are doing just fine. ........... Parents know that they would be turned away at the border or quickly deported, so they send their children in hopes that remittances will come back........ “Even when he shares $50, it’s a huge help,” Mr. Cutzal said. “Otherwise, there are times we don’t eat.” ......... Many sponsors see themselves as benevolent, doing a friend or neighbor a favor by agreeing to help a child get out of a government shelter, even if they do not intend to offer any support. Children often understand that they will have to work, but do not grasp the unrelenting grind that awaits them. ....... Except on farms, children younger than 16 are not supposed to work for more than three hours or after 7 p.m. on school days.......... ecently arrived preteens and teenagers are running industrial dough mixers, driving massive earthmovers and burning their hands on hot tar as they lay down roofing shingles ........... an adult will apply for a job in the morning, and then a child using the same name will show up for orientation that afternoon. ........... if migrant children needed to work full time, it was preferable for them to have jobs at a well-monitored workplace. .......... The Labor Department is supposed to find and punish child labor violations, but inspectors in a dozen states said their understaffed offices could barely respond to complaints, much less open original investigations. When the department has responded to tips on migrant children, it has focused on the outside contractors and staffing agencies that usually employ them, not the corporations where they perform the work. .......... Mostly, though, she keeps to herself. Her teachers do not know many details about her journey to the border. When the topic came up at school recently, Carolina began sobbing and would not say why......... After a week of 17-hour days, she sat at home one night with her aunt and considered her life in the United States. The long nights. The stress about money. “I didn’t have expectations about what life would be like here,” she said, “but it’s not what I imagined.” ......... Now night had fallen and they were eating Froot Loops for dinner. The heat was off, so they wore winter jackets. .
In an Epic Battle of Tanks, Russia Was Routed, Repeating Earlier Mistakes A three-week fight in the town of Vuhledar in southern Ukraine produced what Ukrainian officials say was the biggest tank battle of the war so far, and a stinging setback for the Russians. .
5 Exercises to Keep an Aging Body Strong and Fit Declines in muscle and bone strength start earlier than you might think. Build a smart workout habit now..
How to Make, and Keep, Friends in Adulthood A friendship expert shares strategies for finding connection in a lonely, disconnected world......... people in transition — like those who’ve recently moved, gone through a breakup or who are traveling — tend to be more open to making new friends. ....... In 1990, only 3 percent of Americans said they had no close friends; in 2021, nearly 12 percent said the same. The United States is in the grips of a loneliness crisis that predates the Covid pandemic. .......... people who think friendship happens organically — based on luck — are lonelier. You really have to try and put yourself out there. ........ if you try to connect with someone, you are much less likely to be rejected than you think. .......... when strangers interact, they’re more liked by the other person than they assume. ....... the “acceptance prophecy.” When people assume that others like them, they become warmer, friendlier and more open. ......... joining something that meets regularly over time ........ just texting a friend can be more meaningful than people tend to think. ......... Our communities used to be built-in, not sought after. ......... Social media is a good example. It can be a tool for connection, but mostly we use it to just lurk, which is related to increased loneliness and disconnection. ......... swipe through your contacts, or look at who you were texting this time last year, and reach out. You can say something simple, like: “Hey, we haven’t chatted in a while. I was just thinking about you. How are you?” .
Expert Tips for Curbing Bad Breath Food choices, oral hygiene habits and certain health conditions can play a role — but there are ways to keep dragon breath in check....... A popular and useful litmus test is to cup your hands over your nose and mouth, exhale and then inhale ........ lick (yes, lick) the back of your hand a few times, wait a minute for the water to evaporate so that the odor molecules concentrate, then give the back of your hand a good sniff. If what you smell makes you want to keel over, you may want to do something about your breath ....... Onions and garlic are common bad breath culprits because of their strong aromas ....... alcohol, coffee, tomatoes, citrus fruits and onions ........ Bacteria in the mouth are another common cause of bad breath. These bacteria release what are called volatile sulfur compounds, which “smell like rotten eggs, smelly toes” ........ Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day can help eliminate these germs as well as the food particles that might be stuck in and around your teeth. .......... Staying hydrated can therefore prevent bad breath, as can rinsing with a mouthwash that treats dry mouth .......... recommended against rinses that contain alcohol, because they “dry the patient’s mouth out, and it’s a vicious cycle — once the alcohol dries it out, the bad breath comes back even worse” ........... Gum disease can be another bad breath culprit. If your gums frequently bleed, you see pockets around your gums or your teeth feel loose, you should see a dentist to determine if you have diseased gums ......... Gum disease can cause bad breath because bacteria get stuck in little pockets around the gums, “making a real stink-a-thon” ............ gargling with salt water .
China Increasingly Seen as Antagonist in Diplomatic Talks Around the World Tensions over China arise in many gatherings of global leaders and diplomats, as Beijing increasingly plays a spoiler role, often siding with Russia. ......... Although Russia’s war in Ukraine has dominated diplomatic dialogue around the globe this past year, the dilemma of dealing with an increasingly assertive China is ever-present — and for many nations, a thornier problem than relations with Moscow. They subscribe to the framing that President Biden and his aides have presented: China is the greatest long-term challenge, and the one nation with the power and resources to reshape the American-led order to its advantage. .......... Last October, Mr. Biden announced sweeping restrictions on selling advanced semiconductors and semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China, in what aides called an effort to end China’s access to “foundational technologies.” .
Where Digital Payments, Even for a 10-Cent Chai, Are Colossal in Scale India’s homegrown instant payment system has remade commerce and pulled millions into the formal economy. ........
गठबन्धनसँग रेशमको माग : श्रीमतीलाई उपप्रधानमन्त्री, टिकापुरलाई जिल्ला घोषणा
Germany’s Scholz Visits Washington Amid Worries Over Ukraine ‘End Game’ Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrives Friday for a quiet working visit with President Biden, sparking speculation that they will discuss tough questions on how to end the war. .
War in Ukraine Has Changed Europe Forever No event has transformed the continent more profoundly since the end of the Cold War, and there is no going back now. ........ The 27-nation European Union was built over decades with the core idea of extending peace across the continent. The notion that economic exchanges, trade and interdependence were the best guarantees against war lay deep in the postwar European psyche, even in dealings with an increasingly hostile Moscow. .......... That Mr. Putin’s Russia had become aggressive, imperialist, revanchist and brutal — as well as impervious to European peace politics — was almost impossible to digest in Paris or Berlin, even after the annexation of Crimea in 2014. An increasingly militaristic Russia might swim, quack and look like a duck, but that did not mean it was one. ........ The war in Ukraine has transformed Europe more profoundly than any event since the Cold War’s end in 1989. A peace mentality, most acute in Germany, has given way to a dawning awareness that military power is needed in the pursuit of security and strategic objectives. A continent on autopilot, lulled into amnesia, has been galvanized into an immense effort to save liberty in Ukraine, a freedom widely seen as synonymous with its own. ........ The European Union has provided some $3.8 billion in military assistance to Ukraine. .......... Overall, European states, as part of the union or individually, have pledged more than $50 billion in various forms of aid to Kyiv, imposed 10 rounds of sanctions, absorbed more than eight million Ukrainian refugees (nearly the population of Austria), and largely weaned themselves off Russian oil and gas in a sweeping shift under acute inflationary pressure. .............. the Age of Reordering ......... “Even if the war ends soon, there will be no going back” ....... Finns saw their own Russia-plagued past in Ukraine’s suffering. They saw the impossibility of a workable relationship with the Putin regime. Old assumptions — that a strong defense ability, close cooperation with NATO and a mutually beneficial relationship with Russia could be combined — crumpled. ......... Support for NATO membership surged to over 70 percent. Finland was suddenly too small and too vulnerable to hold that long border. ......... “The Baltic Sea has become a NATO pond,” said Thomas Bagger, the German ambassador to Poland. “That is a big strategic shift.” ......... Ukraine was rapidly accorded formal candidate status to the European Union last year, but big problems, including endemic corruption and a weak judicial system, remain for a process that generally takes several years. ........... “A frozen conflict suits Putin,” said Mr. Delattre, the French ambassador to Germany. “A partially occupied, dysfunctional Ukraine cannot advance toward Europe. So of the three possible outcomes to the war — a Ukrainian victory, a Russian victory and a stalemate — two favor Putin.” .......... an increasingly repressive Russia under severe sanctions and a leader who is a pariah throughout the Western world, with no path to economic reconstruction, will also suffer from a prolonged conflict. But the limits to the Russian capacity to absorb pain are not easily discerned.......... Anti-German sentiment has swept Poland, which sees Berlin as too hesitant in its support of Ukraine, to the point that Germany’s supposed fickleness, at least in the eyes of the nationalist ruling party, is now a central theme of this year’s Polish parliamentary election. ............ Nowhere has the war in Ukraine been more challenging or transformative than in Germany. ........... a thoroughly post-heroic Germany, healing slowly from the Nazi horror, was unable to imagine the idea of a just war. ............ The most powerful country in Europe, Germany has had to reimagine itself overnight, abandoning a peace culture by arming itself and Ukraine in the name of a war for European freedom. It has had to eliminate its dependence on Russia for 55 percent of its gas. It has been forced to contemplate a partial decoupling from China, an enormous market for German cars, to reduce its strategic vulnerability. ............. “Europe took a holiday from defense for 30 years” .......... the Europe “whole and free” of which President George H.W. Bush spoke in 1989, with “borders open to people, commerce and ideas.” ........... “Life in Russia is boring, bad and difficult,” Mr. Rastegavi said. “You can start a war, but it’s not easy to finish.” .
The Excellence of Kamala Harris Is Hiding in Plain Sight Ms. Harris has met (mostly in person) with more than 100 world leaders to repair damage to our international relationships caused by Donald Trump. ........ Through public-private partnerships, she helped raise over $4.2 billion to address the root cause of migration from Central America. ......... Ms. Harris has pushed for federal legislation to secure voting rights, worked to expand access to the child tax and earned-income tax credits, is co-leader of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, was an integral part of the White House’s push to get Americans vaccinated against Covid, and is the chair of the National Space Council. ....... Presidents Trump, Dwight Eisenhower, Ulysses S. Grant, Herbert Hoover and Zachary Taylor never held elected office before becoming president. ....... for most of American history, white men were the only people considered for high-level jobs in what amounted to affirmative action for them. .
The Promise and Peril of Biden’s Climate Policy . After several years during which “It’s infrastructure week!” became a punchline, he passed a major infrastructure bill. .......... most important, Congress enacted the Inflation Reduction Act, which despite its name is mainly a climate bill; we’re finally taking serious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. .......... huge progress in renewable energy and related technologies, notably batteries, means that it now looks almost easy to achieve a low-emission economy. We can now easily envision a society in which people drive electric vehicles and cook on induction ranges, using power generated by solar panels and wind turbines, and experience no sense of sacrifice. ........... we may need a third, bureaucratic miracle to fix the electricity grid and make this whole thing work. .
“Poetry is the attempt to understand fully what is real, what is present, what is imaginable, what is feelable, and how can I loosen the grip of what I already know to find some new, changed relationship,” the poet Jane Hirshfield tells me. Through poetry, she says, “I know something new and I have been changed.” ........ Her book “Ledger” is one I gift to people most often. Hirshfield’s true talent as a poet is her singular ability to imbue the ordinary, the invisible, the forgotten with a sense of majesty and wonder. Her work is littered with lines that force you to stop, to slow down, to notice what you might have missed or overlooked. .
America Is In Over Its Head The war suddenly appeared as a face-off between a mass of disenchanted Russian incompetents and supercharged, savvy Ukrainian patriots........... As battles rage across Donetsk and Luhansk, Ukraine’s leaders and some of their Western backers are already dreaming of Nuremberg-style trials of Mr. Putin and his inner circle in Moscow. .......... Only the full, Desert Storm style of deployment of NATO and U.S. troops and weaponry could bring about a comprehensive Ukrainian victory in a short period of time. ......... Absent NATO involvement, the Ukrainian Army can hold the line and regain ground, as it has done in Kharkiv and Kherson, but complete victory is very nearly impossible. ......... What has been a meat grinder in one direction is likely to be a meat grinder in the other. ......... Russia has nearly switched its state onto a war economy setting, while the United States has yet to meet the war production needs of its foreign partners. The war has already used up 13 years’ worth of Stinger antiaircraft missile production and five years’ worth of Javelin missiles, while the United States has a $19 billion backlog of arms delivery to Taiwan. .......... The United States may even have an interest in keeping the fighting going as the war reduces Russia’s ability to operate elsewhere in the world, increases the value of American energy exports and serves as a convenient dress rehearsal for the rallying of allies and coordination of economic warfare against Beijing.......... Moscow now seems mostly focused on maintaining its positions in Luhansk and Donetsk and securing a land bridge to Crimea. These are territories that even in the best of circumstances would be difficult for Ukraine to reincorporate. ......... As it stands today, Ukraine’s economic future appears viable even without the territories currently occupied by Russia. Ukraine has not been turned into a landlocked country and it remains in control of seven of the eight oblasts with the highest G.D.P. per capita. ........... Ukrainians may be better off defining victory as accession to the European Union rather than a complete recapture of all Ukrainian territory. ........... membership in NATO, which since the 1990s has acted as a ratings agency in Europe, guaranteeing countries as safe for investment. ......... convincing Ukrainians that access to the common market and a European Marshall Fund is a reasonable exchange for “complete victory.” .
The Spectacular Fall of Lori Lightfoot . Lightfoot belongs to a group of recently elected Black mayors of major American cities, including Eric Adams in New York, Sylvester Turner in Houston and Karen Bass in Los Angeles. ........ Vallas had run a tough-on-crime, law-and-order campaign in which he told one crowd that his “whole campaign is about taking back our city, pure and simple.” Lightfoot called the remark “the ultimate dog whistle.” ....... “I’m always going to be viewed through a different lens, that the things I do and say, that the toughness that I exhibit, is viewed as divisive, that I’m the mean mayor, that I can’t collaborate with anyone.” .
Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S. Arriving in record numbers, they’re ending up in dangerous jobs that violate child labor laws — including in factories that make products for well-known brands like Cheetos and Fruit of the Loom. ....... 15-year-old Carolina Yoc, who came to the United States on her own last year to live with a relative she had never met. ......... Her stomach often hurt, and she was unsure if that was because of the lack of sleep, the stress from the incessant roar of the machines, or the worries she had for herself and her family in Guatemala. ......... Largely from Central America, the children are driven by economic desperation that was worsened by the pandemic. This labor force has been slowly growing for almost a decade, but it has exploded since 2021, while the systems meant to protect children have broken down. ......... jobs that were grinding them into exhaustion, and fears that they had become trapped in circumstances they never could have imagined .......... In town after town, children scrub dishes late at night. They run milking machines in Vermont and deliver meals in New York City. They harvest coffee and build lava rock walls around vacation homes in Hawaii. Girls as young as 13 wash hotel sheets in Virginia. .......... For the past three years, she said, almost every eighth grader in her English learner program of about 100 students was also carrying an adult workload. .......... In Los Angeles, children stitch “Made in America” tags into J. Crew shirts. They bake dinner rolls sold at Walmart and Target, process milk used in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and help debone chicken sold at Whole Foods. As recently as the fall, middle-schoolers made Fruit of the Loom socks in Alabama. In Michigan, children make auto parts used by Ford and General Motors. ....... Far from home, many of these children are under intense pressure to earn money. They send cash back to their families while often being in debt to their sponsors for smuggling fees, rent and living expenses. .......... H.H.S. regularly ignored obvious signs of labor exploitation ............ about two-thirds of all unaccompanied migrant children ended up working full time. .......... “It’s the new child labor. You’re taking children from another country and putting them in almost indentured servitude.” .......... just a sense that she could not stay in her village any longer. There was not much electricity or water, and after the pandemic began, not much food. ......... The only people who seemed to be getting by were the families living off remittances from relatives in the United States. ........... Child labor is the norm in rural Guatemala, and she herself had started working around the second grade. ......... The growth of migrant child labor in the United States over the past several years is a result of a chain of willful ignorance. Companies ignore the young faces in their back rooms and on their factory floors. Schools often decline to report apparent labor violations, believing it will hurt children more than help. And H.H.S. behaves as if the migrant children who melt unseen into the country are doing just fine. ........... Parents know that they would be turned away at the border or quickly deported, so they send their children in hopes that remittances will come back........ “Even when he shares $50, it’s a huge help,” Mr. Cutzal said. “Otherwise, there are times we don’t eat.” ......... Many sponsors see themselves as benevolent, doing a friend or neighbor a favor by agreeing to help a child get out of a government shelter, even if they do not intend to offer any support. Children often understand that they will have to work, but do not grasp the unrelenting grind that awaits them. ....... Except on farms, children younger than 16 are not supposed to work for more than three hours or after 7 p.m. on school days.......... ecently arrived preteens and teenagers are running industrial dough mixers, driving massive earthmovers and burning their hands on hot tar as they lay down roofing shingles ........... an adult will apply for a job in the morning, and then a child using the same name will show up for orientation that afternoon. ........... if migrant children needed to work full time, it was preferable for them to have jobs at a well-monitored workplace. .......... The Labor Department is supposed to find and punish child labor violations, but inspectors in a dozen states said their understaffed offices could barely respond to complaints, much less open original investigations. When the department has responded to tips on migrant children, it has focused on the outside contractors and staffing agencies that usually employ them, not the corporations where they perform the work. .......... Mostly, though, she keeps to herself. Her teachers do not know many details about her journey to the border. When the topic came up at school recently, Carolina began sobbing and would not say why......... After a week of 17-hour days, she sat at home one night with her aunt and considered her life in the United States. The long nights. The stress about money. “I didn’t have expectations about what life would be like here,” she said, “but it’s not what I imagined.” ......... Now night had fallen and they were eating Froot Loops for dinner. The heat was off, so they wore winter jackets. .
In an Epic Battle of Tanks, Russia Was Routed, Repeating Earlier Mistakes A three-week fight in the town of Vuhledar in southern Ukraine produced what Ukrainian officials say was the biggest tank battle of the war so far, and a stinging setback for the Russians. .
5 Exercises to Keep an Aging Body Strong and Fit Declines in muscle and bone strength start earlier than you might think. Build a smart workout habit now..
How to Make, and Keep, Friends in Adulthood A friendship expert shares strategies for finding connection in a lonely, disconnected world......... people in transition — like those who’ve recently moved, gone through a breakup or who are traveling — tend to be more open to making new friends. ....... In 1990, only 3 percent of Americans said they had no close friends; in 2021, nearly 12 percent said the same. The United States is in the grips of a loneliness crisis that predates the Covid pandemic. .......... people who think friendship happens organically — based on luck — are lonelier. You really have to try and put yourself out there. ........ if you try to connect with someone, you are much less likely to be rejected than you think. .......... when strangers interact, they’re more liked by the other person than they assume. ....... the “acceptance prophecy.” When people assume that others like them, they become warmer, friendlier and more open. ......... joining something that meets regularly over time ........ just texting a friend can be more meaningful than people tend to think. ......... Our communities used to be built-in, not sought after. ......... Social media is a good example. It can be a tool for connection, but mostly we use it to just lurk, which is related to increased loneliness and disconnection. ......... swipe through your contacts, or look at who you were texting this time last year, and reach out. You can say something simple, like: “Hey, we haven’t chatted in a while. I was just thinking about you. How are you?” .
Expert Tips for Curbing Bad Breath Food choices, oral hygiene habits and certain health conditions can play a role — but there are ways to keep dragon breath in check....... A popular and useful litmus test is to cup your hands over your nose and mouth, exhale and then inhale ........ lick (yes, lick) the back of your hand a few times, wait a minute for the water to evaporate so that the odor molecules concentrate, then give the back of your hand a good sniff. If what you smell makes you want to keel over, you may want to do something about your breath ....... Onions and garlic are common bad breath culprits because of their strong aromas ....... alcohol, coffee, tomatoes, citrus fruits and onions ........ Bacteria in the mouth are another common cause of bad breath. These bacteria release what are called volatile sulfur compounds, which “smell like rotten eggs, smelly toes” ........ Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day can help eliminate these germs as well as the food particles that might be stuck in and around your teeth. .......... Staying hydrated can therefore prevent bad breath, as can rinsing with a mouthwash that treats dry mouth .......... recommended against rinses that contain alcohol, because they “dry the patient’s mouth out, and it’s a vicious cycle — once the alcohol dries it out, the bad breath comes back even worse” ........... Gum disease can be another bad breath culprit. If your gums frequently bleed, you see pockets around your gums or your teeth feel loose, you should see a dentist to determine if you have diseased gums ......... Gum disease can cause bad breath because bacteria get stuck in little pockets around the gums, “making a real stink-a-thon” ............ gargling with salt water .
China Increasingly Seen as Antagonist in Diplomatic Talks Around the World Tensions over China arise in many gatherings of global leaders and diplomats, as Beijing increasingly plays a spoiler role, often siding with Russia. ......... Although Russia’s war in Ukraine has dominated diplomatic dialogue around the globe this past year, the dilemma of dealing with an increasingly assertive China is ever-present — and for many nations, a thornier problem than relations with Moscow. They subscribe to the framing that President Biden and his aides have presented: China is the greatest long-term challenge, and the one nation with the power and resources to reshape the American-led order to its advantage. .......... Last October, Mr. Biden announced sweeping restrictions on selling advanced semiconductors and semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China, in what aides called an effort to end China’s access to “foundational technologies.” .
Where Digital Payments, Even for a 10-Cent Chai, Are Colossal in Scale India’s homegrown instant payment system has remade commerce and pulled millions into the formal economy. ........
The little QR code is ubiquitous across India’s vastness.
........ You find it pasted on a tree next to a roadside barber, propped on the pile of embroidery sold by female weavers, sticking out of a mound of freshly roasted peanuts on a snack cart. A beachside performer in Mumbai places it on his donations can before beginning his robot act; a Delhi beggar flashes it through your car’s window when you plead that you have no cash. ......... The codes connect hundreds of millions of people in an instant payment system that has revolutionized Indian commerce. Billions of mobile app transactions — a volume dwarfing anything in the West — course each month through a homegrown digital network that has made business easier and brought large numbers of Indians into the formal economy. ......... The government says about 99 percent of adults now have a biometric identification number, with more than 1.3 billion IDs issued in all. ........... services from hundreds of banks and dozens of mobile payment apps, with no transaction fees. ........ In January, about eight billion transactions worth nearly $200 billion were carried out on the U.P.I. ........ The value of instant digital transactions in India last year was far more than in the United States, Britain, Germany and France. ........... now used by close to 300 million individuals and 50 million merchants ......... nearly 50 percent classified as small or micro payments: 10 cents for a cup of milk chai or $2 for a bag of fresh vegetables. .......... A Siri-like voice declares how much money was instantly received with each payment by QR code. .
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