Showing posts with label Hindi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hindi. Show all posts

Saturday, January 31, 2015

भुटानमा तराई छैन त

भुटानको दक्षिणमा रहेको समथर भाग भारतमा छ। पृथ्वी नारायण शाहले उसको गोरखा राज्य विस्तारको क्रममा काठमाण्डुका मल्लहरुमाथि पटक पटक आक्रमण गर्यो तर मधेसमाथि आक्रमण गर्ने दुस्साहस कहिले गरेन। १८१६ र १८६० मा ब्रिटिशले जुन बदमाशी गर्यो त्यो नगरेको भए नेपालको तराई भारत देशको अंग हुन्थ्यो। हामी भारतीय होइनौं हामी भारतीय होइनौं भन्ने मधेसीहरु देखेर मलाई वाक्क लाग्छ। मधेसीहरु नेपाली नागरिक हुन सक्छन तर गिन्ती गरेर एक एक मधेसी भारतीय हुन। फिजीमा पनि छन -- फिजीका नागरिक छन तर गर्वका साथ आफुलाई भारतीय भन्छन।

संस्कृति मिल्छ, भाषा मिल्छ। सब थोक मिल्छ। बेटी रोटी को सम्बन्ध छ। भारतीय मुलको भएर पनि भारतसँग त्यसरी भौगोलिक रुपले टाँसिएर बसे पनि नेपालको मधेसीले आफ्नो अधिकार लिन नसक्नु बड़ो शर्मनाक कुरो हो। जब कि नेपाल एउटा भूपरिवेष्टित होइन भारत-परिवेष्टित देश हो। चीन धेरै टाढा छ। तिब्बत चीनको होइन मधेसको हो। तिब्बत सबैभन्दा प्रख्यात दुई मध्ये एक मधेसी गौतम बुद्धको हो।

केपी ओली र सुशील कोइरालालाई दिल्ली नधाइ भात पचदैन, तर मधेसी नेताहरु तिमीभन्दा बढ़ी नेपाली म भन्ने अनावश्यक होड़बाजीमा लाग्छन्। उपेन्द्र यादव intelligent, एउटा पढ़े लेखेको मान्छे हो। तर कहिले काही मुर्ख गोवार व्यवहार गरिराखेको हुन्छ। दिल्लीबाट मान्छे भेट्न आयो भने उ काठमाण्डु बाट भागेर सुनसरी गएर बस्दिन्छ, भेट्नु नपरोस भनेर। हुटिट्याउँले आकाश थामे जस्तो। उ सुनसरी भागदा देशको सार्वभौमिकता जोगिए जस्तो। मान न मान मैं तेरा मेहमान भने जस्तो। केपी ओलीले स्याबास भनेको छैन त। बरु केपी बाजे मैं भेट्छु भनेर ताक परेर बस्छ, बकुल्ला तलाउ छेउ बसे जस्तो।

दिल्ली दक्षिण एशियाको शक्ति केंद्र हो। त्यो मधेसी पर्वते सबैले बुझ्ने हो। कसैले नबुझ्दैमा त्यो यथार्थ गायब भइ जाने होइन। तपाईंले बुझेन भन्दैमा तपाइँ गुरुत्वाकर्षण को पकड़ बाट उम्कीजाने होइन, नत्र वामे कहिले चन्द्र लोक पुगिसकेको।

भुटानमा तराई छैन त।

नेपाल देशमा हिंदी भाषालाई नेपाली भाषाको बराबरीमा नराखेको संविधान मान्य हुने छैन। आधा जनसंख्याको सम्पर्क भाषाको सवाल छ। पुरा जनसंख्याको शिक्षाको सवाल छ। भारतीय अर्थतन्त्रको महत्वको सवाल छ। भारतको ग्लोबल सुपरपावर बन्ने महत्वाकांक्षाको सवाल छ।

सीके राउत सँग मेरो कुरा मिल्दैन त। सीके राउतलाई मधेस अलग देश चाहिएको, मलाई काठमाण्डुमाथि मधेसीको शासन चाहिएको।

Sunday, January 04, 2015

प्राथमिक भाषा र हिंदी भाषा

नेपालका अधिकांश मानिस देश विदेश घुम्न जाँदैनन् --- त्यो यथार्थ मात्र होइन, मानव मनोविज्ञान नै हो। अमेरिकामा पनि अधिकांश मानिस देश विदेश घुम्न जाँदैनन्। अधिकांश मानिसको चरित्र स्थानीय किसिमको हुँदो रै छ।

मातृभाषाको महत्व त्यहाँ बाट आएको हो। तर राजा एक भाषा एक भेष एक धर्म एक भेषभुषा महेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाह देवले बहुसंख्यक नेपालीलाई आफ्नै देशमा विदेशी बनाइ दिए। त्यो महेन्द्रको वामदेवले घरमा सालिक राखेको छ, पुजा गर्छ।

प्राथमिक शिक्षा आफ्नो मातृभाषामा पाउनु सबैभन्दा उत्तम भनेर वैज्ञानिकहरुले पत्ता लगाएको तथ्य हो। त्यो तथ्यलाई महावैज्ञानिक महेन्द्रले पनि मानेन, औंठा छाप वामदेवले त मानने कुरै भएन। एउटा हुन्छ progressive अर्को थरि हुन्छ regressive ---- महेंद्र र वामदेव regressive खालका भए। Regressive मानिसहरु देशलाई पछाडि धकेलन पटटी लागि रहन्छन्। नेपालको अहिलेको गरीबी उनीहरुलाई पर्याप्त छैन, नेपाल अझै गरीब हुनुपर्ने उनको भनाइ छ।

सरकारी कामकाजको भाषा नेपाली मात्र हुन सक्दैन, किनभने अधिकांश नेपाली नागरिकले घरमा नेपाली बोल्दैनन्। सरकारी कामकाजको भाषा बन्न सक्ने नेपालमा १०-१५ भाषा छन। सार्वभौमसत्ता राजामा रहेको नेपालमा नेपाली भाषा माथिबाट जनतामाथि थोपरियो, तर अब सार्वभौमसत्ता जनतामा रहेको नेपालमा त्यसो गर्न मिल्दैन त।

अनि आउँछ आर्थिक कुरा। सारा विश्व एउटै बाजार बनिसकेको आजको दुनियामा आर्थिक पक्ष हेर्नै पर्ने हुन्छ।

अधिकांश नेपाली देश विदेश जाँदैनन्। देश विदेश जाने अधिकांश नेपाली भारत जान्छन्। यो इंटरनेटको पनि जमाना हो। गूगलले सारा इंटरनेटलाई हिन्दीमा अनुबाद गर्न लागेको छ। प्रत्येक नेपाली दक्षिण एसियाली पनि हो। हिन्दी भाषालाई संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघको छैँठौ भाषा बनाउने अभियानमा नेपाल सरिक हुनैपर्छ --- विश्व राजनीतिमा आफ्नो अधिकार पाउने त्यो पहिलो ठोस कदम हुनेछ नेपालकोलागि। नत्र नेपाललाई संसारमा कहीं पनि कसैले गनेको अवस्था नै छैन। उपेन्द्र महतो त्यत्रो सफल व्यापारी हो --- तर उसको नेपाली पासपोर्टको संसारमा कहीं पनि आदर नभएको देखेर नै हो महतोले NRN Movement launch गर्नु परेको। वीर नेपाली भन्ने कुरा पंचायती प्रोपागण्डा लेख्ने हरुको दिमागमा मात्र हुँदो रै छ -- यथार्थ अर्कै छ।

हिन्दी भाषाको महत्व नेपालका मधेसीलाई त छ नै तर पहाड़ीलाई पनि छ। नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रान्ति गर्नु छ भने हिंदी भाषालाई सरकारी कामकाजको भाषा र पठनपाठनको भाषा बनाउनै पर्ने हुन्छ। नेपाली भाषा र हिंदी भाषालाई नेपालमा समान मान्नु पर्ने हुन्छ।

हिंदी भाषा मधेसी पहिचानको सबै भन्दा महत्वपुर्ण पक्ष नै हो। भोलि खड़ा हुने मधेश राज्यको सरकारी कामकाजको प्रमुख भाषा नै हिंदी हुनेछ। Welcome to federalism.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Hindi And Nepal

Indo-Aryan languages, grouping according to SI...
Indo-Aryan languages, grouping according to SIL Ethnologue (Urdu is not shown because it is mainly a lingua franca with no prevalence as a first language.) Central and East Central zones Northern zone Northwestern zone Eastern zone Southern zone Insular (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The vast majority of Nepalis live local lifestyles. They live near where they were born. And that should tell you the importance of the mother tongue. Government services and schools should speak to this. Primary education is best given in one's mother tongue. Understanding that is key to achieving a 100% literacy rate.

India is the number one destination for Nepalis who go outside the country for work and education. And that is why Hindi should be available to learn in every school in the country. Not only that, Hindi is on its way to becoming on par with the English language itself. Technology will translate the entire Internet into Hindi soon enough. Hindi will become the sixth language at the UN. What English is in Europe, Hindi should become for South Asia. Resistance is futile.

Nepali, Hindi, the various mother tongues, English. I am for all of them.

Google announces Indian Language Internet Alliance, aims for 500 million internet users by 2017
Google aims to get 500 million internet users in India by 2017. In an effort to promote local language content on the internet, Google also announced its Hindi Voice Search. It also launched the website, which shall offer curated content in Hindi. ...... Google voice search and Knowledge Graph suggestions will be available in Hindi with the option of multiple Hindi fonts available at Stuff like Keyboard Predictions in Hindi, already available on Android One devices shall also be extended. ..... In September, it launched its Android One devices with standardized hardware, stock Android experience and timely updates. Though the devices are all priced above the mental barrier of Rs 5000, Google expects to break into the extremely lucrative low end smartphone segment with its Android One offerings. And if we needed more testimony, it lies in the fact that Sundar Pichai, now widely claimed as one of the top contenders for the top job in Google came to India to kick off the Android One journey. ..... India has 19.8 crore English speakers, almost all of them online, Anandan said today. Regional language content will go a long way in getting the next wave of users online.
Google launches alliance to promote Indian languages on web
The internet search giant says it aims to engage 300 million Indian language speakers through the initiative by 2017. The alliance will work together to accelerate building Indic language content for users in the country. ..... Apart from Google, the group includes Times Internet, C-Dac, Reverie Language Technologies, LinguaNext Technologies, DB Digital, and Amar Ujala Publications among others. ..... "Our mission at Google is to ensure the world's information is universally accessible, and this includes the millions of users in India who are about to come online for the first time. Hindi Voice Search will be just one of the many steps Google is taking to empower the Indian language users and advertisers to take advantage of the web's huge economic and social potential."

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

वीपी कोइराला र नेपालमा हिन्दी भाषा

वीपी कोइरालाको शासनकालमा नेपालमा हिन्दी भाषाको जे स्थान थियो मैले अहिले नेपालमा हिन्दी भाषाको त्यही स्थान खोजेको हो। म काँग्रेसी होइन। म कट्टर anti काँग्रेसी हो। मेरो जीवन कालमा मधेसी समुदायको समानताको संघर्षमा प्रमुख स्थानीय र राष्ट्रिय शत्रु नै नेपाली काँग्रेस रहि आएको छ। र लोकतन्त्रको सबक मैले काँग्रेसबाट सिकेको होइन। मैले जाने बुझेको नेपालको काँग्रेस देश, सेना र पार्टीको लोकतांत्रिकरणमा सहायक होइन तगारो हो।

तर वीपी कोइरालाको महानता, मदन भण्डारीको महानता पार्टी राजनीति भन्दा माथि हो। अहिले देशको नम्बर एक प्रतिक्रांतिकारी शक्ति एमाले हो, त्यसको दोष म मदन भण्डारीलाई दिन्न।

वीपी कोइरालाको शासनकालमा नेपालमा हिन्दी भाषाको स्थान नेपाली भाषाको बराबरमा थियो। त्यो झुक्किएर भएको होइन होला। त्यो नेपाली भाषाको विकास नहुन्जेल कायम मुकायम आधारमा होइन होला। महेन्द्रले वीपीलाई तानाशाही तवरमा जेलमा मात्र कोचेनन् देशमा एक भाषा एक भेष एक धर्म पनि स्थापना गरे। (हिन्दी भाषा र नेपाल)

अहिले सम्विधान निर्माणको क्रममा महेंद्र र वीपी मध्ये एकलाई रोज्ने बेला हो। मैले देखे बुझेको काँग्रेसी र एमाले वाला हरु सबै महेन्द्रपथमा कुदिरहेका छन। किन होला? यहाँ भुमिगत गिरोह त सक्रिय भएको होइन? सेनाले चुनावमा धाँधली गर्दिने अनि बदलामा एमाले काँग्रेसले सेनालाई संसदभन्दा माथि मान्दिने वर्तमानको भुमिगत गिरोह हो। देशमा संघीयता मात्र होइन लोकतन्त्र नै खतरामा छ।

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

हिन्दी भाषा र नेपाल

वीपी कोइरालाको जमानामा नेपालमा हिन्दीको जे स्थान थियो, हामीले अहिले जान खोजेको त्यहीं हो। वीपीका चेला भनाउँदा काँग्रेसीहरु भने महेन्द्रको भाषा बोल्छन् र हिन्दीको कड़ा विरोध गर्छन, मलाई अचम्म लाग्छ। माला लगाउने वीपीको तस्वीरलाई तर नीति मानने महेन्द्रको? अजब देश, गजब नगरी।

मधेसी पहिचानको सबैभन्दा महत्वपुर्ण कड़ी नै हिन्दी भाषा हो। पहाड़ी/पर्वते समुदायको लिंक language नेपाली भए जस्तै, मधेसी समुदायको लिंक language हिन्दी हो। भोलि खड़ा हुने मधेशका राज्यहरुमा सदनको प्रमुख भाषा नै हिन्दी हुनेछ।

मलाई लाग्छ नेपालभरी नेपालीभन्दा हिन्दी बुझ्ने मान्छे बढ़ी छन।

मधेसी पहिचानको केन्द्रमा हिंदी भाषा छ भने सम्पुर्ण नेपालीलाई दक्षिण एशियाली बनाउने हिन्दी भाषा हो। बिश्व मञ्चमा नेपालीले आफ्नो दक्षिण एशियाली पहिचान अंगीकार गर्नै पर्छ। मोदीले संसारमा सबैभन्दा बढ़ी माया गरेको देश नेपाल। त्यस प्रेमबाट नेपालले आर्थिक विकास खोज्नै पर्छ। अहिले नै विश्वमा चीन र अमेरिका पछि भारत नै हो। युरोपका दुइ चार देश बाहेक गुजरात सबैभन्दा अगाडि अहिले छ।

नेपालमा हिन्दी भाषा मधेसीलाई मात्र चाहिएको जस्तो महेन्द्रपथको कुरा गर्न छोडौं। दक्षिण एशियालाई आर्थिक प्रगतिको हिसाबले युरोप बनाउने मोदीको सपनामा सहभागी बन्ने तिर सोचौं र पहल गरौं।

हिन्दी भाषालाई संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघको छैठौं भाषाको रुपमा स्थापित गर्ने भारतको लक्ष्यमा सबैभन्दा बढ़ी साथ दिन सक्ने देश नेपाल हो। त्यसमा कुनै किसिमको कन्जुस्याइँ नगरौं।

हुलाकी राजमार्ग बनाउने हिन्दी भाषाले हो। हिन्दी भाषा अलंकारको कुरा होइन, आर्थिक विकासको कुरो हो।

Monday, October 13, 2014

राज्यका भाषाहरु

मेरो यो नक्शामा राज्य स्तरका भाषाहरु यस किसिमका हुने भए।

पुर्व तराई: हिन्दी, नेपाली, मैथिलि, भोजपुरी, थारु, उर्दु।
पश्चिम तराई: हिन्दी, नेपाली, अवधि, भोजपुरी, थारु, उर्दु।
कोशी/किराँत: नेपाली, लिम्बु, राइ, शेर्पा।
गण्डकी: नेपाली, तामांग, नेवारी, गुरूंग, मगर, थकाली।
कर्णाली: नेपाली, मगर, भोटिया, (शेर बहादुरले बोल्ने भाषा)।

(एक मधेस एक प्रदेश किन भन्दा रैछन्, अब थाहा भो। भाषा मिल्दो रैछ।)

नेपाली र हिन्दी देशका दुई प्रमुख भाषा हुने भए।

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Bahun Defensiveness

I just saw this tweet.
And I replied.
Let me explain.

In the context of Nepal, I am having to fight on behalf of Madhesis who are still nowhere close to achieving equality. The community stays marginalized. And there you are having to try and get the Bahun ruling class to see the light and make amends.

But those same Bahuns, on the global stage, are nobodies. They are the Madhesis on the global stage. That Bahun might fight the Hindi language tooth and nail in Nepal. But that Bahun needs Hindi to become the sixth UN language to achieve some respect on the global stage.

On the global stage as you claim the Nepali identity and join the fight to help Nepalis at large achieve a greater presence, you are basically fighting also for these Bahuns who are making your people struggle to achieve equality. Your people who are at the receiving end of what can only be called racism. The ethnic prejudice is alive and well.

Expecting a little empathy is not too much to ask for.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Implications Of A Split In The MJF

Looks like the MJF has formally split. Gachhedar has gone ahead and registered a new party by the name of MJF-Nepal. I guess he has named the party after the guy who made him Deputy Prime Minister.

What are the implications of this split? What are some of the possibilities?

(1) The Madhav Nepal government lasts six months, and then either there is a new Maoist-led coalition, or a new all party, national consensus government.

(2) One of the two factions withers away. The healthy faction doubles in size.

(3) The momentum and leadership of the Madhesi Movement shifts to TMDP. The Sadbhavana has more room to grow.

(4) The Nepali Congress sees a revival in the Terai.

(5) The new space from the split is taken up by the Maoists who return with a bigger share of paraliamentary seats after the election next year.

(6) The two MJF factions become one again a few weeks later after Yadav and Gachhedar think with cooler heads.

(7) The Madhesi issues are well taken care of, since there is no going back on the political consciousness of the Madhesi people. But there remain many small Madhesi parties.

(8) The Nepali Congress shrinks even further after the election next year.

Right now there is no telling what the implications will be.

If I had to take a guess, I'd say Prachanda will be back in power in about six months or less, and the TMDP will see some major growth. (I Give Madhav Nepal Six Months) But don't count Upendra Yadav out just yet.

I am not worried about the Madhesi agenda. The people have woken up. Any party that wishes to expand in the Terai will have to carry the Madhesi agenda.

Koirala Has To Be Beat At His Own Game
MJF Will Emerge Stronger
I Give Madhav Nepal Six Months
Upendra Yadav Is Going To Lead The MJF In The New Government
The Army Issue Has To Be Discussed In The Parliament
MJF: No Harm Done
Upendra Yadav Should Be Leading The MJF Team In The New Government
Contents 2009
Contents 2008
Contents 2007
Contents 2006 (2)
Contents 2006
Contents 2005
MJF: Upendra Yadav Is The Leader

In The News

Trouble deepens in MJF Kantipur Online The meeting endorsed nine proposals including Gachhadar's expulsion as Parliamentary Party (PP) leader. ..... The CC decided to initiate disciplinary action against central leaders Rabindra Thakur, Nasir Siddhiki, Asha Chaturvedi and Sanjay Sah for conspiring to break the party. ....... nominated Krishnadev Yadav, Arjun Thapa, B.P. Yadav, Umeshlal Das and Jagadish Bahadur Singh as CC members. ........ in Kathmandu, the Gachhadar-led faction formed a five-member task force to negotiate with CPN-UML and Nepali Congress on portfolio division. ...... A three-member team was named to take ahead the process of consultation with other Madhesi parties. The meeting also asked all former MJF members who had broken away from the party to return.
Gachhadhar claims being official MJF leader E Kantipur
MPs dispute over Hindi language Republica lawmakers belonging to Madhes-based parties argued that Hindi should be named as official language in the new constitution while the parliamentarians from other political parties strongly protested the proposal........ Muga Lal Yadav of Madhesi People´s Rights Forum (MPRF) and Gauri Mahato Koiri of Sadbhavana Party (SP), among others, had proposed to name Hindi as one of the official languages of Nepal in the constitution, arguing that people living in the Tarai do not understand Nepali language properly. ......... sharply divided over whether to include the term ´people´s war´ in the new constitution ....... Of the total 32 CA members present at the committee meeting, 19 voted in favor of using the term ´armed conflict´
Gachchhadar claims majority in CC, stakes claim for being official Republica CC members and ex-governor of Nepal Rastra Bank Tilak Rawal who was in neutral category on Monday said he was with the deputy prime minister.
MJF banda paralyses life in Tarai Kantipur Online
MPRF leaders from hilly districts press for unity Republica The party´s presidents from some hilly districts joined the campaign led by Rawal. ....... The party´s presidents from Kavre, Sindhupalchowk, Dolakha, Mugu and Achham districts signed the statement.
Building a coalition of hope E Kantipur The Madhesi Janadhikar Forum did not have any semblance of adopting party procedures in the way it selected its representatives to the coalition. The name notwithstanding, this coalition is anything but democratic. But the problem is not in the name alone. The current coalition was cobbled together for the expedient purpose of ousting the Maoists rather than for any concrete positive programme. The Maoists' apparent "state capture" was a lame ruse in the whole game. The fact is that the Kathmandu-style politics reminiscent of the coalition era in the 1990s has made an unapologetic comeback. Added to this is the visibly vested interest of top army generals, the Indian and other foreign establishments and the Kathmandu elite in perpetuating the existing state and social structure. Time will show the true picture, but the ongoing wrangling inside all the coalition parties over "plum" portfolios is a clear indication that the parties are hell-bent on perpetuating the politics of loot.
Fight on for party's control in MPRF Republica
MJF for ousting expelled-leaders from CA, govt Kantipur Online
Gachhadar mantra to keep MJF intact E Kantipur Gachhadar said joining the government under his leadership is the only option left for party Chairman Upendra Yadav to rule out a split in the party.

Gachhadar registers new party Himalayan Times
Upendra Yadav is a 'traitor':Beg ... She said the expulsion of seven senior leaders of the party including Bijay Kumar Gachhadar and Sharad Singh Bhandari was motivated by his own vested interests, adding that the split of the party has shattered the dreams of entire Madhesi martyrs. ...... She also revealed that Yadav had been making frequent telephone calls to lure her to his faction, adding that Yadav was crooked and corrupt person. ...... The MJF Parsa chairman Birendra Yadav and district working committee members were present on the occasion.
MJF factions exchange blows Yadav’s faction claimed that of the 35 central working committee members, 29 attended Wednesday's meeting. The meeting went on till late Wednesday evening. ..... Gachhadar wants six berths for his party.
MJF CC meeting in Birgunj Talking to journalists before the meeting, chairman Yadav accused Girija Prasad Koirala, chairman of Nepali Congress (NC) and Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal of splitting his party and being agents of India. The party leader and Deputy Prime Minister Bijaya Kumar Gachchhadar and his supporters registered a new party Madheshi Janaadhikar Forum-Nepal in the Election Commission on Tuesday. Hence the fourth big party in the Constitution Assembly (CA) was officially divided on Tuesday.
End of Madhesi Forum: Koirala, Nepal are Indian agents, Yadav The Birgunj meeting began right at 12:00 noon where some 29 CC members were present out of the total 35 CC members. ..... in Kathmandu, the meeting organized by the Gachedhar Faction declared that with the Yadav faction sacking some ten central committee members the party stands formally divided now.
Nepal: Victim of wrangling in Madhesi Forum The Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum President Mr. Upendra Yadav, who was all set to lead the MJF delegation in the UML led government, got stunned when the party’s leader of the CA delegation Mr. Bijaya Kumar Gacchedhar unilaterally took the decision that he will lead the MJF and was thus later sworn-in as the deputy prime minister of the country on June 4, 2009....Mr. Yadav categorically blamed the Nepali Congress, UML and Tarai Madhesh Loktantrik Party for creating fissures in the Madhesi Forum camp.
Nepal's Terai-based party moves towards formal split Zee News
Maoists, key Madhesi group enforce shutdown in 30 districts Press Trust of India
Nepal's Maoists 'threaten' to take up arms again Times of India
Sujata elevated as Nepal's Foreign Minister, party feud continues Keeping the intense inner party feud in the Nepali Congress, the United Marxist Leninists and the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum intact ..The MJF has forwarded claims for Five Ministers and four State ministers ..... Upendra Yadav, the MJF party president called it a conspiracy hatched by the UML, NC and Tarai Madhesh Loktantrik Party to bring about a split in the Madhesi Forum. .... Decision in favor of Sujata was made at a time when Sushil Koirala and Ram Chandra Poudel were out of the valley. .... Dr. Rizal is a US Green card holder. ..... Except Sujata- a defeated CA election candidate, majority of the ministers representing the NC are considered as close to the Sher Bahadur Deuba faction ....The UML which is engulfed in inner party feud between the party president Jhala Nath Khanal Faction and senior leader K.P. Oli faction could not sort out the list of leaders to represent the party in the government.
Nepali cabinet expanded with 8 more ministers sworn in People's Daily Online The cabinet expansion has seen dissent among almost all the constituent parties.
Gachchhadar reassures MJF support to govt

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